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It is now used in many everyday gadgets such as cell phones, PDAs, MP3 players, TVs, printers, portable GPS systems and cameras. Join the wave! This site covers topics needed for Linux software certification exams, such as the RHCE, and many computer training courses. Why Host Your Own Site? For more .
Getting the Most Out Of Your Home Server. Install the Server with RAID. Synchronise the Server Clock to NTP. Monitor Server Performance with htop. This site is about setting up and running your own server at home.
Ich werde meinen Blog hier auf WordPress. com schliessen und nur noch unter meiner eigenen Domain fortführen. Dort werde ich ebenfalls auf WordPress als Blogsystem setzen, habe aber mehr Spielraum. Erstmal Danke an alle die mich hier besucht haben! Es würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mich mal im KruemelchenWeb. Linux and Open Source Blog.
Hosting with a Dynamic IP.
Ultima versiune Fedora nu aduce prea multe modificari la nivel vizual, principalele vizate fiind componentele de sistem, carora li s-au adus modificari si imbunatatiri semnificative, avind ca scop cresterea fiabilitatii, stabilitatii, si performantelor sistemului. Primul milestone al openSUSE este disponibil publicului.