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With a pinch of food and fitness. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far! I have a quick update for all of you right now, but will be back with an actual post later on today. I am really excited to be a self-hosted blog from now on and cannot wait to continue sharing my journey with all of you.
Honestly, it was going great! I was running more and more miles each week at longer distances and even saw an increase in my pace. It was beautiful! Well, I was wrong. I talked to my doctor the next day and she also believed the same thing. A stress fracture in my tibia. A stress fracture in my tibia.
Sunday, April 1, 2012. Charred corn, black bean and toasted barley salad. Once a week the sun. Comes out to play for a few hours. Went on sale at the grocery store. This salad reminds me of summer. I decided to make this salad on a day when the sun was shining. Rather than toasting the kernels on the stovetop.
Zveme vás do restaurace s vůní dřeva. Přijmeme brigádníka na rozvoz pizzy. Objednávky a reservace na tel. V odpoledních hodinách si můžete objednat minutková jídla ze stáleho jídelního lístku, která vám dovezeme domů až na váš stůl. Ubytování pro Vás a Vaše hosty, Vaše přítelkyně a manželky je připraveno. Výroba pizz, po - pa. V sobotu a neděli od 14 hod.
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Vítáme Vás na stránkách ipkaøského klubu O tìpaøi Da ice. Tým vznikl na pøelomu let 1999 a 2000, ná web byl vytvoøen na konci prosince 2005. Najdete zde informace o ligových utkáních, turnajích, a obèas také fotografie z nìkterých zápasù. ligu ÈAKS-A A skupiny A Chrudim-Pardubice.