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That skirt is BB Dakota.
While walking down First Ave. to get a bagel for brunch last Saturday, I noticed that a tree on the sidewalk had something white and stubby on it. Since it drew my attention, I went up to the tree to get a closer look and I realized it was a small ceramic or clay finger. Is there any artistic significance or is this just a harmless prank? The second finger to pop up. Animals of the Urban Jungle.
So technically, today is the last day for our blog project. Blogging is pretty cool but I think tweeting is more convenient.
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I just feel burnt out with school in general. Its safe to say that we all have spent the large majority of our lives as students. Back on the gym grind. Back on the gym grind. Few minutes left until halftime. Time to step my game up.
Like that one thing I know the best is no longer my life anymore. I literally have to move on with my life now and start the real life. Essentially, it works like any other New York p.
There are only 3 things in the whole world i refer to as. I was in my english class, and we were reading.
Lifetime movies are my life on wednesdays. Posted by keishthelifetimelover under Uncategorized. Posted by keishthelifetimelover under Uncategorized. Posted by keishthelifetimelover under Uncategorized. Posted by keishthelifetimelover under Uncategorized.
I personally went to see one of the member of Chromeo spin! I can actually point out myself in this picture. I was in the front! It was a huge party. Another cool part of the night was the spaceship show, which was better than any 3D Movie I have ever seen! May 2, 2011.
Let me tell you my neighborhood is full of Hispanics which I .
Je Vooudrais Tant que tu reviennes . Moi je veux personne , Juste lui . Je Mourerais de folie .
La position des blocs a été enregistrée. Si vous voulez faire connaissance les un message. JeUx ThEmEs EnOrMeMeNt MoN aMoUr 3. Tu compte beaucoup pour moi. Ba plus de nOuvelle de tOi .
Ce blog est un petit secret. Et il se fait connaître par le bouche à oreille. Même mes proches ne sont pas au courant de son existance. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Et puis on rencontre des êtres.