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Friday, February 5, 2010. For the past several days, I had the opportunity to go to a Christian School conference in Galveston, Texas. I have attended the ACSI or known as American Christian Schools International, for about the past six years. I always enjoy attending and learning new things! You can never learn enough! It is sad to say that we all get so busy and wrapped up in our own needs and lose sight of the bigger picture. Yes, I read my bible. But, do I always acknowledge .
Just a few details that are interesting to me. Thursday, March 14, 2013. 11 Questions Church Leaders Should Be Asking. Re-post from Tony Morgan published 2-21-13 at. What should our church be known for in this community? Have you taken the time to identify what a fully-d.
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Thursday, September 25, 2008. And since then, he has mentioned the arb on several occasions. Mostly, he told me about cutting down and hauling off non-native trees, but he also came home with facts about the site that I did not truly appreciate until last weekend, particularly that the arboretum encompasses over 100 acres.
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Japp nu är det äntligen fredag. Älsklingen jobbar idag men slutar kl 13 så de e skönt. Själv sitter jag hemma med en grinig förkyld unge, måste va grymt jobbigt att va så snorig när man e så liten,så förstår om han inte är på bästa humör. När Björn kommer hem så blir det att åka till syskonen. Nee nu ska ja ringa till våran områdesansvariga and bestämma tid när hon ska komma hit. Nee nu ska jag ta å klä på Liam.