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Marcus evans present cutting edge issues addressed by cutting edge speakers. Event programs are carefully researched. Our conferences educate through interaction. Panel discussions provide broad perspectives over topical subjects. The conference program provides opportunities to network with your peers and share experiences and knowledge. Cutting edge issues addressed by cutting edge speakers. Has 3 regional locations, offering local .
Die ME Group ist eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen für geschäftsrelevante Informationen. Topaktuelle Themen von herausragenden Sprechern. Unsere Konferenzen vermitteln Wissen durch Interaktion. Podiumsdiskussionen bieten breite Perspektiven zu aktuellen Themen. Das Konferenzprogramm ermöglicht es Ihnen, sich mit Ihren Kollegen auszutauschen und Erfahrungen und Wissen zu teilen. Topaktuelle Themen von top Key-Note-Speakers. Hat Niederlassungen an 32 wichtigen Unternehmensstandorten weltweit und Deu.
Marcus evans conferences and summits post event resource center.
Marcus Evans provides over 2000 events and conferences each year in a variety of business sectors. Attending one of our events throughout the year will provide you with valuable business acumen and some unrivalled networking opportunities. Finance, Energy, Defence, Government, Health care, IT, Life sciences, Marketing, Law.
Meticulously researched telecoms content and speakers. MEETME121, targeted pre-scheduled meeting with pre-qualified decision makers. Unparallel networking opportunities with the telecoms industries leading players. Global Series, benefit from instant access to our global network of key telecoms professionals. Programmes are thoroughly researched directly with key business professionals within the Globa.