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開飯宅女一名, 奉行少說話多吃野, 喜歡周圍試周圍吃, 和大家分享美食的樂趣, 雖然文筆平庸, 但樂在其中. 熱愛夢工場電影, 迪士尼死忠粉絲, 只愛MARVEL不愛DC. 為免誤會, 由2017年2月起, 本人不再出席任何試食飯局, 請各餐廳不用邀請我, 謝謝! MARSHY IS ADDICTED TO FOOD舊網. 日本餐廳 - 東北秋田 - 秋田比内地鶏や.
Even the prettiest girls feel ugly sometimes, the happiest girls cry at night, the most independent girls feel alone. We might all be living different lives, but when it comes down to it, we are all fighting the same monsters. Professor McGonagall is the shit.
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What happened to my LJ theme? Idk as well. Ok, lets leave it and just use a default theme. Yes, this is a note to myself. New year, new theme.