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Enhancing our mission to promote lifelong learning. Monday, August 10, 2015. The antique Arts and Crafts-style revolving oak bookcase on the top floor of the Martinsburg Public Library was once located in another building which previously stood on the same spot as the library over 100 years ago.
Now through July 31,2015, register at any Berkeley County Public Libraries for the Summer Reading Program. Activities and reading challenges will be available for all ages, even Adults! Create a free website. Start your own free website. A surprisingly easy drag and drop site creator.
Im Herzen der Freiburger Innenstadt, am zentralen Martinstor, liegt die Hausbrauerei Martin s Bräu. Seit 1989 bietet die Gasthausbrauerei ihren Gästen neben einer deftig-deutschen und regional beeinflussten Küche seine selbstgebrauten, naturtrüben Biere an. 1,5l Pitcher - 6,90 anstatt 8,60. Nach 2 wöchiger Renovierungsphase haben wir unsere Türen wieder geöffnet.