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But your memory remains,. Vodka on my tongue,. I light up in the dark,. I feel the warmth of the flame,. Your fucked up for fucking me up,. Ps How was your day? A bit of your attention. You came in last night,. Slept on your side,. This morning a hello but you,. You got on the phone,. You laughed and smiled,. Fuck it I ate and you,. You called me a asshole,. At last a bit of your attention. Ps How was your day? Things were go.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010. Mmm udah lama juga yah gue nggak nulis disini. As you all may know, gue suka banget olahraga, dan kali ini, gue suka banget ngegym. Kenapa? Well, itu cerita dari gue tentang bodypump.
Otra parada obligada cerca de Zaragoza, donde tengo la oportunidad de conocer a unos activistas veteranos. Algo de tiempo libre antes de volver a Barcelona. Algunos lo aprovechan para hidratarse al lado de la fuente, otro.
Probablement mes émotions, mes humeurs. Mais surtout de belles images. A propos de ces belles images, elles ne sont pas de moi. Dragueurs, passez votre chemin, merci.
Non-Linear video editing put to use to read the mission of The University of Findlay.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011. Adanya pembangkit listrik tenaga air yang beredar di Cibuluh membuat saya berpikir panjang mengenai pentingnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang konservasi; dalam hal ini, konservasi hutan. Coba kita bayangkan apabila kita adalah warga Cibuluh, yang merupakan penebang liar. Tentu saja, kebanyakan dari merek.