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Using the ups and downs of life to connect with others through music, motherhood, marriage and life. Melodic Monologues is here to encourage others who are experiencing a similar journey, to share tips and fun life hacks, to teach those who may need to learn more about motherhood, Christianity or music therapy and to give myself a creative outlet to express my thoughts and feelings. If you enjoy what you read, please leave a comment or share on Facebook.
14-18锛? 浠栨槸鍥介檯琛ㄨ揪鑹烘湳娌荤枟鍗忎細鍓嶄换涓诲腑缇庡浗鑾辨柉鍒 ぇ瀛 壓鏈 仴搴峰 闄 殑鑱斿悎涓讳换鏄 滃簲鐢ㄨ壓鏈 拰鍋ュ悍鈥濇湡鍒婄殑鍓 富缂栦粬鏁村悎浜嗚 杈捐壓鏈 不鐤楀拰瓒呬釜浜哄績鐞嗗 鐨勮法瀛 瀛 範锛屽苟鑾峰緱浜嗚仈鍚堝 闄 殑鍗氬 瀛 綅. 2016-2017瀛 勾绗 簩瀛 湡闊充箰娌荤枟璇剧 寮 璇鹃 氱煡. 鏈 鏈熺 澹 爺绌剁敓浜烘枃閫変慨璇俱 婇煶涔愪笌蹇冪悊鍋ュ悍銆嬶紝灏嗕簬4鏈? 504鍜岄粍瀹舵箹鏍 尯13503寮 璇撅紝璇锋湰娆 夎 鐨? 2015-2016瀛 勾绗 竴瀛 湡闊充箰娌荤枟閫夎 閫氱煡. 2015-2016瀛 勾搴 涓 瀛 湡闊充箰娌荤枟鍏 夎 灏嗕簬涓嬪 鏈? 11鍛ㄥ紑璇撅紝鐢变簬瀛 牎鏁欏 瀹圭撼浜烘暟鏈夐檺锛屾暀鍔 瀵归 夎 浜烘暟杩涜 浜嗛檺鍒讹紝娆 繋鏈夊叴瓒g殑鍚屽 鍙婃椂鍏虫敞姝 眽绉戞妧澶у 鏁欏姟澶勫彂甯冪殑閫夎 淇 伅锛屽敖閲忓湪鏁欏姟澶勫彂甯冪殑绗 竴鏃堕棿鍐呴 夎 銆? .
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Posted December 1, 2009 by marcopolo76. Music Moves Brain to Pay Attention. 8211; From Science Daily.
Monday, February 15, 2010. The group involved in this project is pleased to announce that a seasoned veteran TV pro has joined the effort to get this program off the ground. Jim Scalem began his public television career in 1958, and he held a number of executive positions over the years. He is is a former Executive Vice President of Media Productions International, and today is Owner and Managing Director of Jim Scalem Productions. The year 2009 brought t.
Groundbreaking Facial Recognition for People Living with Disabilities. A WIRRAL based music therapist is hoping to help people living disabilities through groundbreaking facial expression technology. With this new technology we are able to identify the slightest changes in facial expression and co.