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Hope for what we do not see. I created this book first by laying out type and printing it through the Vanderpress printing press manually. I chose various motivational quotes and then binded them together with your traditional thread binding. I covered the illustrator board with fabric by gluing it down. Hope for what we do not see.
Here, lemme at that, Cabrone said. A pulley out of whack somewhere. Grandpa was a mechanic, did shit like this in his sleep, Cabrone said, but madre mia the guy never slept! Cabrone hel.
On April 15, 2012. I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. On April 14, 2012. Axes after whose stroke the wood rings,. Off from the centre like horses. Wells like tears, like the.
What can nature say about you? Day 36- I am ME, this little tree. Day 36- I am ME, this little tree. I am ME, this little tree. Like a little seed, I was born. And experience is knowledge gained. As does the warm sun nuture. And rain falls to feed,. I was sprouting up like a tree. Taller by the second,. But with each year I grew stronger,. Day 35- Oh no! .
Draft of Portfolio for workshop. But you know him for he lives with you and will be in you. 8220;A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul. When was the last time you invited. Your inner muse to come out and play? Or do we just do it for the grade? April 11, 2012.
Draft of Portfolio for Workshop. This part actually turned out great.
The Art of Hard and Soft. Draft of Portfolio for Workshop. Day 36- Hard to balance. The Art of Hard and Soft. I spent a lot of my time at this renaissance festival taking photos of the belly dancers. I have not seen many who can balance the scimitar this well. She was moving all over the floor with it balanced on her head and I was in awe the entire time! April 16, 2012.
This is my way of staying inspired and inspiring those around me. Draft of Portfolio for Workshop. Ask Me How I Got These Scars. Me, my dad, and Jack. Ask Me How I Got These Scars. Ask me how I got these scars. You have to leave your mark or in my case, have the mark left on you.
Draft of Final Portfolio for Workshop. The Light of the World. On April 15, 2012. So by Lake Carroll there is a statue of Jesus Christ that I thought I would take a picture of. Here is a photo of a close up of the statue. On April 15, 2012. On April 15, 2012. At the roar of your waterfalls;. All your breakers and your waves.
Dust particles cluster into opal balls. Shimming off the tips of your. A symbol bush of peace, love,. You breath and blossom youth. In the twigs of your twine. To flow in the abundance of. Gentle frame you dance for. The birds, the people, your petals. Your friends- who grow along. The waves steadied by your side. The shining, standing, reflection. She gives to us ev.
Simple, Happy Life! Pystyinkö soveltamaan ajatusta matkapuvustosta omaan vaatetukseeni 10 päivän perhelomalla? Tähän en ole vielä keksinyt riittävän hyvää ratkaisua. Pahoitteluni siitä, että blogiin on nyt kasautunut pakkaamisaiheisia postauksia! Näin matkustussesonkina se vain on päällimmäisenä mielessä oleva aihe.
Olen viime aikoina ajatellut tavaroita, joissa säilytetään tavaroita. Yksi länsimaisen nykykulttuurin piirre on, että tavaran säilyttäminen on oma asiantuntemuksen ja teollisuuden alansa. Meillä on ylikansallisia liikeketjuja vaikkapa Ikea tai The Container Store joiden ainoa tai merkittävä tehtävä on valmistaa ja myydä säilyttämiseen soveltuvia esineitä. Sisustamisen ja järjestämisen ammattilaiset jakavat oppejaan kirjoissa, tv-ohjelmissa, YouTube-videoilla, podcasteissa ja blogeissa.
Kirjoituksia johtamisesta, järjestöistä, työstä, elämästä ja ihmisistä. Pohdin aiemmassa bloggauksessani mitä on yksinäisyys. Omissa puheenvuoroissani toin esiin vapaaehtoistoiminnan merkitystä paitsi au.
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Wednesday, July 03, 2013. Thank you for your interest. Friday, August 26, 2011. Friday, August 12, 2011.