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Didedikasikan untuk para calon pemimpin bangsa, Indonesia menantimu. Diposting oleh bangzenk on Selasa, 26 Februari 2008. Blog satu ini saya rekomendasikan karena kepekaan sosialnya, meski mpunya berlatar belakang pendidikan IT. Ambisi mpunya menjadi seorang walikota Bandung, sekaligus CEO Apple di masa depan. Stetoskop - Menyimak Keajaiban Tubuh Manusia. Diposting oleh bangzenk on Kamis, 21 Februari 2008.
Obrolan ringan soal Bedah dan permasalahannya yang dikemas dalam bahasa santai dan populer. Bukan untuk mencari diagnosa atau menegakkan suatu terapi tapi lebih sebagai sarana berbagi persoalan antar sesama pasien, pasien dengan dokter bedah maupun curhat khusus pemerhati setia bedah.
Sharing information about health and medicine. Talking around neurology disease and treatment. Providing medical ebooks and software. Acupuncture Therapy for Neurological Diseases- A Neurobiological View. Atlas of EEG in Critical Care. Neurological complication of typhoid fever. Neurological manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Contributing to the people of Burkina Faso. My Healing Arts has become herARTS in Action. In Tiebele, a vill.
This is where the healing begins. Friday, June 14, 2013. And they are still there.
Comprehensive Mental Health Services for Children, Adolescents, Adults, Couples, and Families. Does it seem like the weight of the world rests heavy on your shoulders? Would you like someone to talk to about the problems and events that seem out of your control? Well, A Healing Bridge, Red Oak Therapy can help by providing personal and family therapy.
Helping Sage bring Irie home! Thank you for your help! This is taking a huge risk for me and stepping WAY outside my comfort zone, baring all and asking for help, but I need to do it! Earlier this year I began my journey into motherhood, given the gift of life, with a new set of eyes I would forever carry to view the world. Paisley had chose me as her mother, the sudden sense of courage, drive and passion became me. I am strong, I am a mom! Briana Blackwelder Scholarship Fund created for her at the Midwi.