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Confronting old habits, stress patterns and The Poverty Mentality. This, That and the Other Thing.
My Journey after weight loss surgery. Published June 5, 2014. 80 pounds since the surgery a year ago.
Me and my Fat Demon. I need someone! May 28, 2014. Which brings me to the point for today. Help! Regardless of where you are on this WLS journey, remember to ask for help when you need it and give support whenever you can.
On the eve of my 9 months post op. And it flew by like the Southeaster winds here in Cape Town. And I have such mixed feelings. The bloody pants is too big! I am sitting here and it is hanging loose around my hips and legs. And it says SKINNY on it! If you a.
Are you up for the Challenge? Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. Everybody check out my Sunday Song, these week a cover of Adele- Hiding My Heart.
The weight loss has definitely slowed down. Once I have the 5k down I will be training for a 10k, then a 15k, then a half marathon. This is not a piece of cake.
Sistem pencernaan merupakan sistem yang terdiri dari beberapa organ yang berfungsi mencerna makanan dan minuman. Ada dua teknik pemeriksaan yang umum pada sistem pencernaan atas, dimana peda pemeriksaan ini menggunakan media kontras. Merupakan bagian pertama dari sistem pencernaan. Strukturnya meliputi gigi geligi atas dan bawah, palatum lunak .