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Ned That Is My Little Secret. Ned That Is My Little Secret.
鍏ㄧ悆闅忔椂闅忓湴鍙 敤鐨勬梾娓歌 涓氱 鐞嗙郴缁? 鏃呰 绀惧 鎴峰叧绯荤 鐞? 椁愰 瀹 埛鍏崇郴绠 悊. 璁板綍姣忓ぉ璁 埧鍜屾敮鍑烘祦姘达紝鑷 姩姹囨 诲 鎴风 鍗曪紝鐢熸垚瀵硅处鍗曘 佸埄娑. 璁板綍姣忓ぉ閿 鍞 拰閲囪喘娴佹按锛岃嚜鍔ㄦ眹鎬诲 鎴风 鍗曪紝鐢熸垚瀵硅处鍗曘 佸埄娑. 闂ㄧエ閿 鍞 拰鍏跺畠鏀 嚭銆佸 鎴风粺璁 佸 璐 崟銆佸埄娑. 绉熻溅璁 崟銆佸徃鏈烘姤璐 佸 鎴峰 璐 佽溅杈嗚繍钀ユ姤琛? 鏈虹エ閿 鍞 佽喘绁ㄥ 鎴峰 璐 佸嚭绁ㄧ偣瀵硅处銆佺幇閲戝笎. 鏃呰 绀惧 鎴峰叧绯荤 鐞? 閫傜敤鍚勭 缁勫洟銆佸湴鎺ャ 佹暎鎷笺 佷笓绾跨瓑鎿嶄綔妯 紡锛岄 鍏堢殑鏃呰 绀剧 鐞嗙郴缁? 澶 簯鍏 徃鐗堟潈鎵 鏈夈 漏2005-2014銆 銆 婀業CP澶? 銆 銆 鍏ㄥ浗缁熶竴瀹 湇鐑 嚎锛? .
Allen and are for personal, non-commercial use only. Designs and ideas presented herein may not be used for publication, submissions, or design contests. Thank you for visiting mynee. Big Horn Brewing - Ft. Blue Star Brewing - San Antonio. Red Square - Las .
Friday, October 6, 2017. Wow has life been an exciting adventure this last year.
Thursday, February 12, 2015. Well did anybody think I dropped off the face of the earth. I am just not a writer to say. Today I am going to share with you some of my doodles or drawings. I traced the dog a couple of weeks ago and still not sure where to start. I also like drawing designs that have a Norwegian rosemaling look of flowers and scrolls. I would like to combine the folk art style with the doodle style. That might be easier than a dog shape. Till later, have a good day. Tuesday, April 23, 2013.