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Consejos y reflexiones relacionados con el mundo de las emergencias. Siguiendo con la valoración del paciente. Una vez confirmado que la escena. Es segura, valorado el nivel de consciencia. Del paciente y comprobado que su vía aérea. Es permeable, deberemos analizar su ventilación. No debemos confundir este término con otro parecido, respiración. Ya que este último hace referencia al proceso metabólico.
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Emmy-nominated producer, Huffington Post, Today Show, Café Mom and Womanista contributor and former editor and spokesperson of Us Weekly, Nat lives in New York with her husband and daughter and is always in search of her next adventure. DESIGN BY SULLIVAN AND 3RD.
Quelque chose me fais sourire, et inspire. Quelque chose me fais sourire, et inspire en moi la joie totale.
Creating websites with passion for perfection. Is a one-man studio started by me, Danny Postma. I create websites that matter. Clean and simple from the core. Made to satisfy you and your costumers. By using responsive design, your website will look great on every device. Creating the best experience for your costumers, no matter how big the screen is. Coded as minimal as possible. Making your website feel fast and brand new.
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