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Get Two New FREE Healthy Recipes Each Week! Skip to primary navigation. Ryan Reynolds Blondie Bars! The Ult.
And so it was, as Bryan was taking the middle two up to bed the following night, that he found me in a heap of sudden tears. Rain, locusts, and seasons in Japan. Rice planting season ended a month ago, so now the flooded fields are filled wit.
The festive season is definitely upon us. All of that is slightly beside the point for the purposes of this blog post, but damnit, I just really love Xmas.
Laughter, tears and side effects. When Ambitions Become Reality! August 14, 2015. I was an overjoyed mother yesterday. UKCAT and I thought the chance of me getting into my preferred med school was very slim. Then a year later, it happens! Why did I put myself under so much stress? July 31, 2015.
My life through food, fitness and fun. Can Pasta be Part of a Healthy Diet? Pasta is often fiercely frowned upon in the health and fitness world. Thanks to the low-carb diet craze, everyone is all concerned these days about eating enough protein and limiting their carbohydrates.
A Blog About Observing Humans In Their Natural Habitat. Alright, no need to brag, Niels. Unlike other NFs, INFJs can actually manage to pull this off with relatively minor collateral damage to their psyche and personal well being. How? Only an INFJ would compare science to sex.
Just a girl and her relentless imagination. Lately I have been puzzled. I lack the motivation that once drove me to happiness and success. I know everyone has dry patches where no growth is found but this is about to drive me crazy. For the past few days I have been doing things out of necessity rather than love or care. I just need some alone time to iron out the deep wrinkles in my mind. But what does it matter? Yes, next time.
A blog in which I share my Useless Opinions, and a few other things along the way. How Far Does Independence Go? January 13, 2016. I like to consider myself an individualist. I like to do my own thing. In light of the date, this Photograph Friday will serve double duty! December 18, 2015.
An ode to being young and confused. Summer night in our new house. Windows opened wide to let in the breeze. Brushing past me like a ghost under a silken sheet. Moving through the hall and rooms. Sun setting, splashing our walls with jewel colors. Slowly they hovered and twinkled over our heads. Our ceiling looked like the night sky.
Welcome friends to this lifestyle blog about everything under the sun from reviews,fashion and beauty,music,online jobs movies,people,inspiration,spirituality,entertainment to pop culture,food,beverage,nutrition and all types relationships. I hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoy blogging. My aim is to inspire,enlighten,entertain anyway i can. DONT BE LEFT BEHIND! Monday, 9 January 2017. Street fashion is always original,self expressive and sometimes very edgy.
Spencer and I enjoyed a full month in Italy during October and November. What was supposed to be our permanent move ended up being a trip to bring home our belongings already in Italy. I firmly believe everything worked out the way it should and have come to enjoy Italy as a vacation destination.
Add Additional Range Text to Rating Scale Survey Questions. I had a requirement to have a scale with 5 different text ranges within a survey question, by default you can only have three.
Something like that happened to me once. Thanks to Ty for the heads up on Fainting Goats. Who knew? Hope you like. Bells Palsy and My Boob Paper. Utter failure for my own failure.