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Life is like a library owned by the author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him. Thursday, 21 November 2013. My kind of tune while working on my brain in the fresh breezy morning. Ya, the defense is around the corner and I am still working on the literature review. No complains! In love with my life so much. Thank you Dear Almighty! Wednesday, 6 November 2013. Tuesday, 5 November 2013.
Sunday, June 6, 2010. I must admit tht i cant resist the temptations of writing a blog when all my buddies even hubby have their own blog. For updates, on last 16 May 2010, our family has a new addition, Mr Saif Najiy. Although he has put me on an operation table for 2 hours and facing the operation knife and all the agony, but I was happy that he is finally arrived. And thanks for the white chocolate macadamia and mango cake on my birthday.
HUKUM MEMAJANG FOTO MAKHLUK BERNYAWA. Segala puji bagi Allah, Rabb semesta alam. Shalawat dan salam kepada Nabi kita Muhammad, keluarga dan sahabatnya. Dalam berbagai hadits dilarang bagi kita untuk memajang gambar makhluk bernyawa. Gambar yang terlarang dibawa ini adalah gambar manusia atau hewan, bukan gambar batu, pohon dan gambar lainnya yang tidak memiliki ruh. Hanya Allah yang memberi taufik.
Aquesta pàgina convida a tots els pobles del Baix Penedès a unir-se i participar.
Arriverà la pioggia in questo orrore. Lento, arriverà la pioggia a lavare. Le tue dita io non le scordo. Giocano a rubare, non son capaci. Foto 9 La stazione colo.