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My Imagination, creation, and all my favorite! Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang. Selamat datang ke blog yang masih tergolong baru ini. Tolong hargai penulis yang sudah capek-capek nulis and bikin fanfic disini. Kalo ada siders di blog kalian. Gimana perasaannya? 2 No SARA and BASH! Kritik boleh asal jangan bash.
Blue, sable, and burning. If god left the lights on could we walk alone at night. Blue, sable, and burning. If god left the lights on could we walk alone at night.
Deviant since Aug 14, 2011. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets.
Informatii utile despre institutiile din judetul tau! Spitalul Judeţean Argeş un nou SCANDAL! Scandal la vârful Sãnãtãţii, dupã ce Direcţia de Sãnãtate Publicã Argeş a emis un document care aruncã în aer Spitalul Judeţean Argeş. Subiectul e de-a dreptul halucinant având în vedere cã a dus la decesul unui nou-nãscut, iar dezvãluirile care reie. Nevasta lui Edi Ciocnitu - ADMIS. Este AUDITOR la CJ Argeş. Şi bãieţii plâng câteodatã! PDL-ist notoriu susţinut de PSD pentru o FUNCŢIE.
瀹夊窘涓 尰鑽 珮绛変笓绉戝 鏍? 瀹夊窘鏂囪揪淇 伅宸ョ 瀛 櫌. 瀹夊窘涓 尰鑽 珮绛変笓绉戝 鏍? 瀹夊窘鏂囪揪淇 伅宸ョ 瀛 櫌. 2017骞村畨寰藉笀鑼冨ぇ瀛 户缁 暀鑲插 闄 垚浜哄 澹 浣嶅 璇 冭瘯鏆ㄧ渷楂樻暀鑷? 瀹佸 澶у 鎴愪汉楂樼瓑瀛 巻鏁欒偛2017骞存嫑鐢熺畝浠? 鑾嗙敯瀛 櫌缁х画鏁欒偛瀛 櫌鍏充簬鎴愪汉鍑芥巿瀛 敓缂磋垂鐨勯 氱煡. 鑾嗙敯瀛 櫌缁х画鏁欒偛瀛 櫌鍏充簬鍋氬ソ鎴愪汉楂樼瓑鏁欒偛2017灞婃湰绉戞瘯涓氱敓鐢宠 瀛 瀛 綅宸ヤ綔鐨勯 氱煡. 浜戝崡璐 粡澶у 鎴愪汉楂樼瓑瀛 巻 鏂囧寲瀛 櫌鏁欏 鐐圭壒鍒 氱煡. 鍏板窞鐞嗗伐澶у 2016 骞存垚浜洪珮鑰冦 侀珮绛夋暀鑲茶嚜瀛 冭瘯鎷涚敓绠 绔? 娌冲寳缁忚锤澶у 缁х画鏁欒偛瀛 櫌绠 浠? 閾跺窛澶у 缁х画鏁欒偛瀛 櫌绠 浠? 鐢樿們鏀挎硶瀛 櫌缁х画鏁欒偛瀛 櫌鎴愪汉楂樿 冩姤鍚? 妗傛灄鍖诲 闄 户缁 暀鑲插 闄 畝浠? 瑗垮寳甯堣寖澶у 缁х画鏁欒偛瀛 櫌绠 浠? .