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Ez dakigu orain ze argumentu erabiliko duten isurketa hau justifikatzeko, baina Eguzkik uste du egoera hau ezin dela gehiago luzatu. Isurketa hauek ezin dira erantzun barik geratu. Nekatuta gaude, Ur Partzuergoak herritarrei zergak kobratzen dizkie baina gero halako kudeaketa txarra egiten du ur zikinarekin. Instituzioek ere zerbait egin behar dute egoera hau konpontzeko. Artibaira ur zikina botatzen duten puntu beltzak ere konpondu behar dira.
Aurten be eztou ospatu AMNISTI egunik. Eztou iñoiz laga hau egunau ospatu baik. Halan edo holan beti aurrea ata ixan dou. Abuztun 14an guaz eztazenakin gogoratzen ga. Aurten gañea KIRRU geuaz egon da, natxe gure kide batzuk ondiokan falta dizen parrandan.
BILBOn eon gaz PRESUk eta IHESLAXAK etxeratzeko eskatzen. Quimiofobia numeros E y Homeopatia.
Voir toutes les nouvelles à la une. Révolution dans le monde du hockey. 10 joueurs de la LHPS repêchés par la LHJMQ.
This blog is to give insight into new strategies in reaching a cure for cancer. It focuses on harvesting the natural immune elements within the human body and developing an individualized approach to fighting cancer. Saturday, December 15, 2012. Cancer Vaccines - Innate Immunity. Dr Catanzaro posted and edited. In this post, the focus will be on the innate branch of the immune system.
A simple meal for one, quickly prepared in a microwave oven. These are delicious with a swirl of avocado sauce avocado mashed with low-fat sour cream and lemon juice. Each serving contains about 142 calories, 4 g protein, 6 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 18 g carbohydrates, 5 g fiber, and 208 mg sodium. This is a picture-pretty first course for a summer meal. Make in advance and serve chilled.
We welcome all inquiries for collaboration, statistical support, and consulting. Center is distinguished in its capacity for innovation, as well as methodological research. Statistics is the Science of Data. Contact us and make your appointment today. We strive to pursue sound and reproducible research. We advocate effective interdisciplinary collaboration. Won the 2nd place award in the Natural Science group.