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Welcome to the official Website of the World Oshukai Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate Do Kobudo Federation,. The President and Chief Instructor of our organization is Hanshi Kenyu Chinen,. President and Chief Instructor of the World Oshukai Dento. Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate Do Kobudo Federation.
Acá encontrarás información referida al Karate Do Shorin Ryu y Matayoshi Kobudo, de la Escuela Oshukai, Liderada en el mundo por el Gran Maestro Kenyu Chinen 9º Dan en Karate-Do Shorin Ryu y 9º Dan en Okinawa Kobudo Matayoshi. En Argentina la escuela es liderada por el Sensei Héctor Ricardo Riveros 6º Dan en Karate-Do Shorin Ryu, con Sede en la provincia de San Juan.
OSHUKAÏ OKINAWA SHORIN RYU KARATEDO KOBUDO FEDERATION. Ecole de Senseï CHINEN Kenyu 9è DAN Hanshi. Stage Combat Dojo Kumite Oshukai à Montmorency. Mot de passe oublié? Journée Jeunes Oshukai à Lunel. Journée Jeunes Oshukai à Lunel Kata, Kata Kumi waza, découverte des bunkaï, la matinée du 7 avril.
Endeavouring to remove doctrinal confusion from the church of God. Friday, 29 August 2014. There will be and must be exceptions for every rule. It is the general rule of this universe that there cannot be a general rule for all situations and individuals. There will be and must be exceptions for every rule. Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. No one fully understands how we digest our.