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Stories and Inspiration from Lived Experiences. Creative Talanoa with Special Guests.
Because Together We Can Do So Much! Welcome and Where To Find Me. Wishing You A Very Good Day! About the Blog and Little Red Bear. ? LITTLE RED BEAR ANSWERS READER QUESTIONS.
Down the foxhole I go. In search of better flowers. And a pill to make me big again. The mouse, tangled in. I shall tread until I drown.
The Poetry and Thoughts Of A Dreaming Insomniac. You and I meet in the middle; Where lust and love collide. I can feel you in my hands,your breath on my chest, our minds intertwining. No more searching; our love- it binds us. Boredom makes you do very goofy things. For a whole week I s.
In this place, the heart leads the mind. Enjoy your trespasses upon my soul, laid bare here for those bold enough to venture forth. We are the children of a universe. Whose very existence has evoked life. Grandfathered in the hearts of stars. Who, in passing, transcend one existence. In favor of another, you are the light. You seek to understand when gazing upwards. The passionate and the mathematical. The unspent energy of an infinite symphony.
This site shares my experiences living with Epilepsy,medical challenges and the lessons life offers. Never give up, life experiences are opportunities for a person to learn from and grow strong. A change in every day. With its own thing to say. No good reason to resist. Life clues for us to sort. To help us build our fort.
Because a new kind of madness left me stung. The melody, the beat, the quiet crescendo,. The timbre, the resonance, the eerie vibrato. They all seemed dreary, all seemed sad. But little did I know, they were all that I had. Every note I tuned felt heavy. Every strum I made felt weary. Music is free, yes, music is freedom.
We cannot load blog data at this time. Negative forces may be around you. Negative forces may be around you.
Enchanted, Insane Writing! My own acrostic poem? August 17, 2015. A fan of Avril Lavigne. Not that famous for a novelist. Tore up a poem one time,displeased. Doves are her favourite animal. No peace at home if Mom is angry.
Happy First Birthday, Sydnee Elise! Posted by Elise Daffobelle.
The latest news on john lennon from around the world. Sunday, April 19, 2015. I always find it strange when people are so dogmatic about something as subjective as music - die hard fans of certain artists, not just Lennon, seem to think that if you are a musician, Lennon fan, or even all three, now you too can own a small part of his paintings to the john lennon jealous guy are just the john lennon jealous guy towards feeling happy, feeling fulfilled emotionally. Well then, read .
Segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011. Estou longe há alguns dias, portanto irei postar um vídeo que é uma amostra de como o Pilates pode ajudar a incrementar os movimentos dos bailarinos. Em outro momento voltamos a falar neste assunto. Domingo, 17 de julho de 2011. A lombalgia ou dor lombar constitui uma das maiores causas de afastamento do trabalho. Como foi citado acima,. Como o Pilates pode ajudar? O método Pilates tem como benefício a melhora da consciênci.
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Que es Puerto Mallarino? Puerto Mallarino es un barrio ubicado al oriente de cali el cual limita con Alfonso Lòpez, Andrès Sanin, La Playita y las orillas del Rìo Cauca. Este barrio posee una variedad de lugares que ayudan a mejorar la vida de sus habitantes. Era un corregimiento que no hacia parte de cali. Por qué es llamado puerto? Que pertenecían a jamundi.
Imagens de modelo por Goldmund.