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Welcome to another chapter from the glorious book of the Cuckoos. And by the way Siana is preggo. When you said we were going fishing for our honeymoon, I presumed you meant from a rowboat, on a river in Monte Vista. Or from a small island in Sunlit Tides. Not in the park outside your. And there are so ma.
Hello and welcome to my first. Attempt at a Sims challenge. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
The Somebody Behind the Angel.
What is an ISBI? Hello and welcome to this wonderful ISBI! We are currently on Generation 1 with a double heir starring Basil and Anise! To get started, please visit the Chapters. Page and find your place! If you have no idea what an ISBI is, visit t. To read the rules and stuff! I do not use any mods or Custom Content in my game. And of course, everything in this blog is purely fiction. Any resemblance to real places, people, etc, etc.
Last time, Cinnamon Tart became the Black Widow. She has already gone through Daren, the consignment store register guy and TaftLee Cookies. She also gave birth to two boys, Hot Tamale and Oreo. Az, Cal, Chi, H. If you are keeping tabs, that is NINE kids for the letters M O C H, three sets of twins and one set of triplets.
Thursday, July 30, 2015. Last time with the Diffys, Wendy aged into an elder, Aidan did teenager-y things like making friends, and Wendy had a conversation with Dylan Shear. Now strap yourself in because Im determined that by the end of this chapter, Aidan will have his YA birthday. Thursday, July 9, 2015. Sunday, June 7, 2015.
I also moved them from Isla Paradiso because I already had one save there and I like to keep them in different places for different views. I know weird, but yeah. They will start off in Isla Paradiso and end up in Sunset Valley. Lets start off with the cats. Bagel and Mahi Mahi have a stare off. Okay you guys are boring.
Basically, this is my free time anything goes save! All children will be named after Pokemon. My founder is Ash and you can start reading here. Last time we a lot of birthdays and Shinx moved out. Now Snow is going to show us he fails at life. Starmie and Ash bond over gardening. And then I forgot to pay bills. Mr Bunny is fertilizing the crops. Brandy still has this guys .
As all good husbands do, Sherman gave Kia a massage! Aw, so sweet. Is it just me, or do these two make a good couple? 8220;Shut up creator, your ruining the moment. So, whatcha eating? 8220;Pancakes. Okay What are you going to do after that? 8220;Since when have you become so curious? Since I became bored.
Però per motius econòmics, només es va arribar a construir la cripta. Podríem dir que la cripta està formada actualment per dos parts principals. El que és el seu interior. Inicialment, la Sagrada Fam.
Són els límits de la primera metròpoli planificada per Cerdà.
La colònia era del senyor Eusebi Güell. Va compra uns terrenys i aparti de aquí, es va construir la colònia Güell. Es va vesar en la filosofia de Anglaterra. A Catalunya en total i podem trobar 83 colònies. 8226;PLAÇA, JOAN GUELL. 8226; CARRER MAL VEI. 8226;ANTIC COLEGI DE NENS. Les columnes tenen forma de hexàgons regulars, i tot.
Clàudia Dong, Sergi i Yomar. Maqueta, cripta de la Colònia Güell. Publicat per Judit, Clàudia, Inés, David, Clàudia. 1 Quins trets caracteritzen les tres germanes Prozórov? I a la seva personalitat.