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Hey guys just a little update. My internet was out all day so I got bored and made a head blink. The head was created by Lucy.
I feel so left out.
Cute graphichs made by mckienzie and kat. I am getting a new head, here is my old personal. What you all have been waiting for! I am done with some of the previews. Extension on the straight hair. For the dress credits to.
How to index a body with or without extension. Posted on December 26, 2016. These hats got accepted I made them. Kinda proud that they got accepted! Made some other hats they just had a problem passing them to my acc.
Things I do for Free! A small collection of requests people asked me to do ill post more of them later. As per usual, always give credit to me if you use these! I worked very hard on them and I wont promise ill be doing any more customs if people claim my edits as theirs.
Same questions every single day. This post does not contain any graphics concerning Graal, scroll down if you are new. Give credit to YukiMoon GFX! Do not erase my watermark.
Cute Customs For You! January 7, 2017. OMG Welcome new member 33. If you need me to index bodies, send me the file of body head, or the body with colors of the head thanksies. I mixed the hairstyles credits to bella 3, lyvia.
Martes, 12 de julio de 2011. 191;QUE ES LA AMISTAD? La amistad es una cajita de cristal. Pequeña, transparente, donde guardas allí dentro todos tus pensamientos, ideas, cariño y amor. Un cristal fino donde te reflejas. Material en el que están hechos tus sueños. Son porciones de tu corazón que intentas que no se rayen nunca. A veces lo miras a los ojos. A veces sientes su presencia. Sin embargo, el amigo no es la persona que ves. Es la persona que sientes. Es aquello por lo que darías todo.
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