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Dimarts, 21 de juliol de 2015. Són teles amb colors pastel, acompanyades de daurats. Els punts, les ratlles i les papallones en són les protagonistes absolutes. I la bossa de paper craft que també porta serigrafiat un missatge. Dilluns, 6 de juliol de 2015.
Um blog onde vou postar minhas criticas de cinema, talvez Hqs, talvez musica, games quem sabe, e mais para bater um papo. Terça-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2017.
Have you had enough of worrying too much because you feel that problems and stress seem to be taking over your life? Do you want to put an end on it so will live a peaceful and happy life? Click Here For Free From Fear Instant Access Now! In this eBook you will also be able to know the effective ways when it comes to praying and asking for help from up above when you feel that your fear seems to be ruining your life. So basically you will learn all the easiest and simplest tip.
My Crochet Artist in Residence assignment. There has always been something for me to do which I have already blogged about. Here are my best bits. As part of the display advertising the yarn bombing .
Ini dia nih blognya C-Kink. Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Ibu bulan Desember 2016, kantor gue si ngadain kompetisi menulis Surat Untuk Ibu. Di kompetisi ini, karyawan diminta untuk menulis surat, yang nantinya surat ini akan kita bantu kirimin ke orang tua masing-masing. Meskipun dilombain, tapi substansi utamanya lebih untuk mempererat hubungan antara seorang anak dan ibunya. Aku duduk terdiam di atas tempat tidu.