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Project Voice is a service that joins up PR, social networking, campaigns and new business activities, delivered by a unique team of PR experts, journalists, digital natives and business strategists. We put businesses, brands and executives in front of the right audiences to have the right conversations. Because when conversations happen, relationships follow.
Grüß Gott und Herzlich Willkommen in unserer Praxis! Mit Vorfreude betreten nur wenige Patienten eine Zahnarztpraxis. Besonders für unsere kleinen Patienten lassen wir uns immer wieder etwas einfallen. Feste Termine und so kaum Wartezeiten.
Thursday, 10 January 2013. Notorious for their in-terms, marketing execs need a good de-jargoning. Let me do the honours. Add your own bits of jargon-busting down below in the comments section - the more confusing terms we can all demystify together, the better life in business will be.
Monday, July 25, 2011. Remember when Branding was much easier. You stuck your brand in the fire, then pressed it against the hide of your cattle to distinguish your cattle from another ranchers. Now you have terms like brand awareness, branding solutions, brand positioning, and branding strategies. Direct marketing to your target market. Trade show and trade magazine presence.
Vi forhandler tæpper fra førende danske producenter og importører. Jeres nye tæppe bliver monteret af faguddannede montører. Linoleum er et uhyre stærkt gulvmateriale, der er meget resistent over for tung belastning og holder til travle fødder i 20, 30, helt op til 40 år. Træ er anvendt som byggematerialer i mange generationer. I dag findes der et væld af muligheder indenfor gulvbelægning. Bents Tæppe- and Gulvbelægning ApS.