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Tuesday, March 15, 2011. Increased their awareness of their strengths and areas for growth. Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities. Engaged with issues of global improtance. Considered the ethical implication of their actions. Later on, I could gain more confiden.
Sunday, May 15, 2011. In grade 11, after an election that took place in grade 10, I was selected as the treasurer for the SGA. Although I was not able to gain enough votes for president, I was excited to take part in a major role in school. The Halloween disco was the first event I took part, and my first attempt for planning an activity, not only in SGA, but also in my life. Which was based on a lot of.
My Creativity Action Service Blog. Here is my evaluation of the main highlights of my CAS program at OSC. More details can be found throughout my blog! Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth. Further I feel that I am quite strong in Butterfly and this year I worked on it in addition to Breastroke, I was really happy that I made the Final B, and improved my time by over 3 seconds! More details can be found here.
Une petite présentations de mes vidéos préférées que je trouve sur le Weeb. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Anton Guggen les Chouettes à Sion. Ajouter cette vidéo à mon blog.
حروس لاری همدان,جوجه لاری همدان,لاری فروشی همدان,لاری,تخم لاری همدان. اینم یه عکس زیبا که بصورت کاملا اتفاقی گرفته شده. خروس قلدور بسیار چوبزن از حیونا دوستم اقای دهقانی. مرغ لاری اصیل از حیونا دوست عزیزم اقای دهقانی. مرغ لاری با جوجه هاش فروشی. اینم یه خروس خوب از حیونا پسر خالم فروشی.
سکوتم از رضایت نیست گلویی نمانده برای فریاد. کسی شاید نمیگیرد مرا از دست تنهایی. تو میخوانی فقط شعری و زیر لب آهسته میگویی. تو هم شاید نمیدانی . براي راحت کردن خيال ديگران خود را خوشحال نشان دهي. ولي حيف که درونت پراز غوغاست . من تورو بی دلیل دوست دارم. مثل بارانی که در یا رو دوست داره. مثل اشکی که جاری شدن از یه چشم عاشق رو دوست داره.