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Un armadio disordinato, tanti caffè e una buona dose di autoironia. Blogger per caso, designer per passione. Ebbene sì, ci riprovo. E stavolta più sorridente di prima. Sebbene sia stato terribile e deludente riaccendersi quella sigaretta, io non demordo, devo vincere io e non la nicotina. Si torna in palestra! Si torna in palestra, più carichi che mai! Push up x 10.
ormai è troppo tardi per preoccuparti.
Just wanted to take a second to share some of the latest accessories available from QUiD for Spring.
Notes from a Singapore JC, and other matters of domestic life including marriage, pets and middle-class entertainment. Saturday, August 01, 2015. I need a new destination that lies somewhere over the horizon. Saturday, July 25, 2015.
La Naturaleza a sus pies. Despues de kilometros de uso sus suelos de parquet como nuevos. Quideva está presente en más de 50 países de todo el mundo. 60 años de historia en los que hemos trabajado prácticamente en todo el mundo, con presencia en más de 50 países. Contamos con un Departamente de I D i para el desarrollo de nuevos productos. Desarrollamos productos en especial sintonía con el Medio Ambiente.
Relationship is everything in the classroom. I was attending a Professional Learning day before commencing the final term of the year and one of the presentations used this clip from Youtube as a point of reference. It was refreshing to hear someone so passionate about her students and the experiences that she has with them. Irrespective of the content or the context of the your teaching, this is a truly inspirational talk.