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I just feel forgotten and discarded. Beneath this face with a smile, it is all sadness and tears. Gave my granny a red packet on Chinese new year for the first time. Ate beef for the first time. Posted my first tweet for the first time. Had chicken pox for the first time. Visited Universal Studios Singapore for the first time. Visited Sydney for the first time. Took domestic flights in Australia for the first time. Bought an expensive watch for the first time.
Często zachowanie innych sprawia, że ocenia się je jako dziecinne. Piją, pala, wracają późno do domu, opuszczają szkołę.
Me cerner un peu mieu sur mes goûts.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009. Please please please sign up for the upcoming sports day. So we need to recruit as many people as possible now. Thursday, January 22, 2009. Time to sign up for our first event of the year, tk road run. Too, during racial harmony. Need more people for road run especially.