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Around the year in my Zone 7 garden, interrupted by occasional travel. A castle, a garden, a plane ride. Today we had to bid farewell to the luxurious Gordon Guest House. Among the joys of the house were the two USB ports in the bedroom, which Martin later told us had been recommended by the tourist board and were usually found only at 5-star hotels.
The ghost that haunts me. I close my eyes and all I see is Kilimanjaro. How can 8 days on one mountain completely alter a life? My heart aches to return to Africa. I constantly ponder my next, great adventure. What will I do that will be on par or even top Kili? Adrienne also shared this beautiful poem.
Friday the 13th is traditionally associated with bad luck. Find out how to deflect design misfortune on this day by spinning the wheel below. The Wheel of Misfortune was created for Friday, February 13, 2015 by Chestnut St. The recommendations made on this website are for entertainment purposes only.
Könnyen lehet, hogy pénteken életre kelhetnek az első hóemberek Kaposváron is! Új koripálya és jégkarnevál - Ez vár mindenkire, aki szombaton Balatonföldvárra látogat! Január 15-én,.
Immár régi és hosszútávú kapcsolat testesül meg újból január 17-én délután! Prah szombaton a Pinceszínházban. Nagy Felújulás, első évad első rész. Boldog új évet kívánunk! Január elsejével, elérkezett az idő, hogy köszönetet mondjunk.