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Sunday, December 6, 2009. Summary of the Whole Course. End of the Semester! The course overall was great learning experience for me and I have touched a lot of new online communities and discovered a lot about the virtual world out there that can be utilised in elearning. Is simply a meeting place on the Internet for people who share common interests and needs. Looking into facilitating, moderating and teaching. Is a really a good way of allow.
Friday, November 16, 2012. Bienvenue, Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, добро пожаловать, 欢迎, Powitanie. I can see from the blog stats that you are accessing the blog from a wide range of countries around the globe. It would be interesting to find out to get some feed back. Is the information of any use to you? How did you find the blog? Was it through search engines or recommendations? Looking forward hearing from you.
Slices on Facilitating Online Communities Course. Monday, January 11, 2010. The course started with understanding online community. I believe online community consists of groups of people sharing common interest coming together to communicate and share. Blogged on you tube video community. And interpreted reading of This that and other of online community. By Mark Pesce in my blog post. Second was determining roles of facilitator, moderator and teacher.
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Trabajos de fotografía, audio, video y redacción. Una selección de imagenes de nuestra Escuela. Trabajos e investigaciones realizadas por los docentes de la Escuela. Información bajo la mirada de nuestros estudiantes. Historia y tradición de veracidad. Estudiantes realizan talleres sobre contenido televisivo con la comunidad serenense. Material audiovisual de Periodismo ULS es transmitido por canal local. Alumno de Periodismo ULS es premiado en festival de cine regional.
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