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Contatos Imediatos de Grau Uterino. Aqui segue, especialmente para os meus amados familiares e amigos que estao longe, o meu primeiro contato com o mundo virtual. Papai e mamae jah me disseram que terei que ser nerd, pois so assim poderei manter contato constante. Espero que curtam! Saturday, 15 August 2015. It is still Summer! Today was the end of soccer season. I had my last game and we finished it with pizza and got medals.
August 1, 2011 by hua14. Maldives is a place that has the nicest beach and resorts to stay. The sand at maldives looks soo soft and clean. The waters are soo blue and clear. It seem like a super nice place to relax and enjoy. August 1, 2011 by hua14.
Sunday, February 12, 2012. Activity 1 - Blog Reflections. Using your favourite metaphor, describe the most important lesson that you had learnt in your EIR journey. The most important lesson that I have learnt in my EIR journey is to never give up. Even if I cannot find the information that I want through search engines, there are still other alternatives apart from search engines, like invisible web database. It also takes a lot of patience to look for the correct information.
UI PROFº FRANCISCO DE ASSIS SOUSA. Quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009. O trabalho com a leitura tem como finalidade a formação de leitores críticos e reflexivos registrando assim, construção do conhecimento obtendo a capacidade de produzir textos eficientes e coerentes. A leitura é uma prática de aprendizagem na qual oaluno será incentivado a compreender, interpretarlê e assimilar o que lê,de forma eficaz prazerosa. Concurso de leitura, criação da hora da leitura.