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What do I need to know? Should I get a pet rabbit for my child? How much does it cost to keep a rabbit? Why every rabbit needs a friend. Can guinea pigs live with rabbits? What do rabbits eat? Hay, hay and more hay. Safe fruit, veg, herbs and plants. Poisonous plants and food to avoid. What size hutch and run? Dangers to look out for.
It was premiered on the czech television ČT1 on the 02.
Opravdu loví pro trofeje? Rodinné safari - zabíjení na objednávku. Lev, slon, levhart, atd. Jak se fotí v africké divočině. Zvířata nepotřebují peníze, potřebují pouze prostor, kde mohou žít. Zabíjení zvířat pro zábavu ohrožuje divoká zvířata. Pytláci ročně zabijí až 50 000 slonů a přes 1000 nosorožců. Čísla, grafy, statistiky zabitých zvířat.
Only an estimated 350,000 elephants remain in Africa, down from 1.
A combination of deviant Christian ideology and African traditional religion have resulted in the creation of a form of religious extremism that seeks to destroy the lives of thousands of Africans.