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10 de julio de 2014. 8 de enero de 2014.
Kuo daugiau civilizuotas protas siekia malonumų ir laimės, tuo labiau žmogus traukiasi nuo tikrojo pasitenkinimo. Godumas ir laimė niekuomet nesusitiko vienas su kitu; nenuostabu, kad jie nepažįstami. Blogis pasaulyje beveik visada kyla iš nežinojimo, o geri norai gali pridaryti tiek pat žalos kiek ir pikta valia, jei nėra išmanymo. Ji gali valdyti baimę, bet nepajėgia jos visiškai sunaikinti. Darbas tai meilė, kuri visiems matom.
An Affiliate of the Law Professor Blogs Network. Moritz College of Law at The Ohio State University. Marijuana Law, Policy and Reform.
Sorry, this site requires JavaScript. Based on the United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual. Error reports and suggestions are welcome. This is a personal project, not affiliated with any government agency or law firm. Do not ask me to apply the guidelines for you. This site does not provide legal advice.
The Utah State Legislature established the Utah Sentencing Commission in 1993. The Commission has the statutory responsibility to advise the Legislature, the Governor, and the Judicial Council regarding sentencing and release policy for adult and juvenile offenders. The Commission is also responsible to develop sentencing guidelines for adult and juvenile offenders. Advises all three branches of government on sentencing policy. Responds to public comment and inquiries.