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The Art of Breaking Things. My Love for Philadelphia Soars.
Me and My Hating Reader. The other day I read a library book. I often borrow books from the library, and enjoy the pages softened by the many turnings. A library book smells of promise, sturdy and resolute. Sometimes I note coffee stains, or a turned down corner, and I get a brief reminder that I am following many other readers who have enjoyed the same book. This time, I was reading. I Capture the Castle,. Or was it not d.
Okay, so maybe December was a. APRIL is my new goal for finishing a draft of my suffragette novel. Also, I have been playing with tumblr. 8220; A Skeleton Story. Then, this fall, because I was in .
A SWEET BLOG ABOUT THE WRITING LIFE. Friday, April 22, 2011. Inspiration from Kimberly Willis Holt. A couple months ago at the Austin SCBWI conference I attended Kimberly Willis Holt.
Thoughts on sports and sports writing. Same clothes; listen to the. Same music; walk the. In shoes that no one owns; work. At moves that none can stop; sweat. Through workouts that never end; push. But you believe in yourself. At the end of the day. The Artistic Process writing, painting and maybe even some football.
Reflections on how young adults read and how not-quite-so-young adults teach and write for them. On Writing and the Struggle to Keep Control. Over the structure of a plot and the events that happen in a story.
How it feels to be split open. Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open. Something that makes my eyes burn. Something that makes me want to surf the net, decorate the room, or do ANYTHING except write that scene. When I worked with Fra.
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