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My symptoms and honestly unsure about therapy. So no more off sensory perceptions, panic attacks, or communication issues. No odd physical things either like random muscle movements or stiff muscles. I am so relieved about this. So I have that basic dissociation.
Struggles of a Bipolar Woman. Fighting every day, Hoping not to lose the battle. Being away from bipolar world has been good for me. It has made me see myself more than a crazy old patient. I can myself as a mom. I can see myself as a wife and I can see myself as myself. I can focus on my weight loss, my makeup, my jewelry and finally what the hell I want to do with my life. Posted in Just what I think.
How Taking the Leap changed my life. My beautiful friend Christiana at spillingcoffeendroppingthings. S texts and I checked my email.
Death To The Bursting Volcano That Is My Mind. Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award. Follow Feministe Poetique on WordPress.
Ramblings of a socal surfer girl who is trying to stay in the light. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Build a website with WordPress.
A blog about life with Cyclothymia. I found that when I slept, all my dreams would be horrible. So what am I to do when I start to notice that my dreams are turning bad and my mood is getting effected by them? Should a diagnosed mental health.