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Short Stories All the Time.
Flash Fiction by Christopher James. A Sliver of Blue Ocean. The Weigh Station is Closed. Creative Nonfiction by Samantha Updegrave.
The Great Writers Steal Podcast. The characters are Amish, the problems are Amish, there is romance.
Rethinking Possibilities, Unleashing Human Potentials. Formulasi Remunerasi strategi sebagaimana dijelaskan sebelumnya pada tulisan awal ini. Tergantung pada strategi bisnis dan pengaruh lainnya seperti peraturan dan regulasi, proses bisnis, struktur organisasi, budaya dan lainnya.
Sunday, May 29, 2011. This required wandering around the house reading the passages aloud and marking them with a pencil. I cannot describe what an interesting and challenging exercise this was. I find it hard to believe I will be able to just read anything ever again. And heavily stressed syllables are in.
Follow along as I cook all the recipes in The Gourmet Cookbook and Gourmet Today. Befitting this culinary Everest, all three writers are overachievers in their professional lives. Lee Gomes, The Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2008. Sunday, January 22, 2012. Take that, Jimmy Dean.
Monday, October 12, 2015. Or find me on Facebook, etc. Thursday, May 03, 2012. I am not cut out for a lifetime of WORK. And usually what it leads to is the recognition that what I am really frustrated ab.
In which fictions are strip-mined for their successes. August 13 and 20, 2012.
Thursday, August 13, 2015. Urban Remix Loses Lease at 1468 S. After four years in the South Loop at 1468 S. , Urban Remix, the up-scale furniture consignment store will close at the end of August. The owner is looking for warehouse space. Anyway, the store was a unique and nice place to visit.
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Friday, November 25, 2011. Hope everyone had a very filling and fulfilling Thanksgiving. Corky and I went to Palm Beach for Thanksgiving with Rob, Donna, Tyler and Willie. We went to a very nice French Restaurant and I had Beef Bourguignon for Thanksgiving Dinner. I was very happy and did not miss turkey at all. November was very busy for us. The Marine Corps Ball was another great success. Had about 900 for dinner and the usual ceremony. First is a picture of David at Thanksgiving a long time ago.
Friday, April 13, 2007. Another example of how humor translates poorly.