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SFX - Subways and Streetcars. Acoustic and Electric Saz Bundle. Apocalypse Elements - Player Edition. Emotional Piano - Player Edition. Mercury Elements - Player Edition. Olympus Elements - Player Edition. Requiem Light - Player Edition.
Traversée sonore du marché de Nyaung Oo,un marchand de cloches et gongs, puis dans la partie fruits et légumes, beaucoup de monde, sortie vers la route, on entend un peu plus le trafic. Enregistrement binaural, écoute au casque recommandée. Soundwalk through Nyaung Oo market. Descente de parking rue des Eperonniers. Battement mécanique non identifié, une minuterie? The procession of the Meyboo.
Mise en scène et production sonore. Juste un autre blog WordPress. Téléchargez le résumé du cours.
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We have all heard pieces that, upon first hearing them, change the way we interact with and listen to music. Ordinarily, this is a response to a kind of impressive hardcore-itude. We are faced with something which, through the sheer force of its existence, its. Changes everything we hear after it. For the first time, for instance.