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Mai putem vorbi împreună despre Dumnezeu? Credinciosii au devenit o minoritate ciudata. La Ateneul Român a avut loc conferința Întrebări esențiale. Putem vorbi împreună despre Dumnezeu? 8221; Dialogul a fost susținut de directorul Institutului Cultural Român, Horia-Roman Patapievici și cardinalul Gianfranco Ravasi, preşedinte al Consiliului Pontifical pentru Cultură, al Comisiei pentru bunurile culturale ale Bisericii şi al Comisiei de arheologie sacră.
Dinsdag 3 januari 2012, mijn oog valt op een artikel over een dolfijnactivist die gevangen is genomen in Japan. De reden van zijn verblijf daar raakt me. Vijfentwintigduizend dolfijnen worden jaarlijks afgeslacht, omdat zij als oorzaak worden gezien van de teruglopende visstand.
Nach langen Jahren war es nötig, die Internetseite der Regenbogen-Schule Hemer aufzufrischen und übersichtlicher zu gestalten. Noch ist nicht alles fertig, aber es lohnt sich, mal darin herum zu stöbern. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Anregungen und Verbesserungswünsche. Melden Sie sich einfach per Mail. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß auf unserer Seite. Statt zu einem Weihnachtsgottesdienst lädt die Regenbogen-Schule in diesem Jahr herzlich zu einem Adventsgottesdienst.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015. My mom stuff post has been delayed by. Nobody talks about these kinds of things. Maybe because of fear of being called a bad parent? Or thinking that you should have more control over your kids? I truly think that the best thing you can do for your children is to just love them unconditionally. Love them and tell them all the time how much you love them. Then there are a hundred thousand other different.
A personal archive of insights and the like. Saturday, March 10, 2012. Richard Feynman - Inconceivable Nature of Nature. I love talks like this. Richard Feynman is thought-provoking and put in perspective this sea of air we live in. Tuesday, September 27, 2011. This is absolutely amazing and long anticipated technology that will change preventative medicine. Thursday, September 22, 2011.