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Her har de undervist helt siden 1100-tallet. Over 400 år siden de flyttet ut inntok studentene Norges eldste undervisningsrom på ny. NTNU-styret motsetter seg forslaget om å endre universitetsloven slik at UH-styrene kan få eksternt flertall. Se stemningsvideo og intervju her.
Som rektor ved Brønnøysund videregående skole kommenterer jeg erfaringer fra skolehverdagen og samfunnsmessige og politiske forhold som berører skolen. Torsdag og fredag i forrige uke arrangerte NHO Nordland og Brønnøy næringsforum møte om fagopplæring og lærlingerekruttering ved Brønnøysund videregående skole. I tillegg til næringslivets fremste representanter i Nordland og Brønnøy deltok også fylkesråd for utdanning, fylkestingspolitikere, fylkesutdanningssjefen med sin sentral.
Denne bloggen er laget som ett ledd i en av oppgavene på IKT og læring studiet ved Nesna Høgskole. The importance of internet rules. I would like to say that ethic is the theory of the moral. Everyone wants to believe they have high ethics standards, what moral standard you have shows in how you behave every day. But what about our etics. When it comes to internet society? Sites a.
A behind-the-scenes journey through university life at Leicester. Latest posts from the subject blogs. Happy A-Level Results day everyone! Stay Calm and Use Clearing. The year is split into core mod.
Playing the piano and the clarinet, Traveling, Sigma Alpha Iota, Painting, Taking long walks, Daydreaming, Classical music, Being in the company of friends, and of course Longwood! Traveling, Cooking, Laughing, Going on adventures, Biking, and Being involved in all of my organizations! Had an amazing day yesterday exploring the French Quarter. Longwood traditions, swimming, country music, technology, traveling. This view will never get old! Our family has gotten so big! .
How are we supposed to keep up? I, for one, would rather look forward to my planner. The good thing about this D. Y is that it is completely unique to you. You can make it as simple or complex as you want.
Experience what it is like to live and study in Swansea. Latest Posts from the student blogs. Swansea University official student bloggers tell their story about student life in our seaside campus. BSc Medical Sciences and Humanities.