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Page To start at the beginning, click here. On doing the legacy, some photos of the house. An updated and revamped guide to the family. 10 End of a legacy.
June 29, 2009 by chaoticramblings. The last time we spoke, I was just getting accustomed to having the first Nightsong female heir born. Raven gave birth to Wolf and then to Hummingbird. Her father, Christopher, passed away.
Welcome to The Wind Legacy! Welcome to The Wind Legacy! Meet Melody Wind. She is the founder of the Wind legacy. When she finds out she is to be married to some old jerk, she runs away. Use money or mood cheats. This will not be a matriarch or a patriarch. Heirs can be either male or female. I will post heir polls on this blog when the time comes to vote.
The move is yours, Sophia.
No Heat Overnight Headband Curls. Tuesday, October 7, 2014. 1 Place headband over your hair. 2 Split the hair into two equal parts. 3 Apply hairspray to each section of hair. 4 Brush out hair after applying hairspray. 5 Grab a small section of hair and loop it around the headband. 6 Grab more hair and repeat looping. 7 Repeat to both sides.
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