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A painted toenail in the water. Saturday, 21 March 2015. The illustrated biography of a crossdresser.
All of the above makes it so much nicer when social opportunities do arise that give me a reason to venture into the outside world and make an effort about my appearance.
Now, on a holiday abroad where the sun is shining and the temperature is over 40 degrees, its normal to do a fair bit of sitting on the beach doing as little as possible. So on several occasions I found myself sat on a sun lounger under a parasol, feeling myself slowly baking with nothing but some music on to keep me busy for hours upon hours. I need a girly night out. Monday, 18 May 2015.
Siobhan Hapgood Random thoughts from a part time redhead. Random thoughts from a part time redhead. time for a short rest. The usual inane ramblings should be back very early in September 2015. Once again, opportunities to b.
TG Or Not TG? That Is The Question. In A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Starts With A Single Step. I always feel a bit rotten about writing a new post when I have so many posts from others to catch up on.
Follow Lucy Sometimes on WordPress. Did anyone do a double take? Did anyone stare at me? Did anyone say anything? In fact did anything happen? The flip side of the coi.
My amazing, life-transforming, and slightly bumpy journey as a TS girl. I had three health appointments today, taking over four hours in total, with over two hours of driving altogether. I was pretty tired by the time I got home. Oh please even if she may not have even realised she had said it. In the evening I went on another walk with my g.
NOW HERE IS A QUESTION! IS BEING TRANSGENDER GENETIC? I had just shared a simple story concerning my 3yr old grandson where he declared that when he is. I honestly do not know if anyone within my immediate family in any generation above me was or showed any tendency to be transgender. It is unlikely that I will ever know, in fact I will state that I will never know.
Cool I went out for pizza, wine and a chat last night. Took some preparation with getting kids sorted with dinner and making sure the wife was set up with our baby, but it was so worth the effort. Checked into cheap motel and was able to remove 5 days beard growth and get makeup and clothes on by 7pm! I had a good chat to a couple of Seahorse girls about life, the universe and politics. Lovely pizza and called it a night at around 9 pm.
This blog is closed, it was living between 2008-2011, till I was a teacher and project manager at the Janos Zsigmond Unitarian High School. Since then the blog is not used anymore, but older information about our work can still be found and read. Dr Réka Nagy, teacher. Without her agreement they cannot be used by a second party.
Love Is A Losing Game.
Charita Vsetín získala statut SPOLEHLIVÁ FIRMA. Zve na již sedmnáctou Romskou pouť, která proběhne 19. Akce se každý rok účastní několik stovek lidí nejen z celé České republiky ale i okolních států. Těšit se můžete na mši svatou v bazilice na Svatém Kopečku a na bohatý kulturní program. Více informací o akci najdete ZDE. Benefiční večer s Miroslavem Donutilem.
My summer was pretty hellish.