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Some of my blogs are energy-related news, some are literary, and some are neither. Focuses on energy and global warming. It has daily posts with links to news articles and a number of essays on energy. Since I have added an average of eight to ten links every day for over a year, there are thousands of articles linked. The US Nuclear Power Report.
Reactors currently not in operation. US Nuclear Reactor Status, March 15, 2018. Return to US Nuclear Power Report. 10 US reactors are currently at reduced power. US Nuclear Reactor Status, March 14, 2018. Return to US Nuclear Power Report. 9 US reactors are currently at reduced power. US Nuclear Reactor Status, March 13, 2018.
Home of the Adeptus Infernus podcast. All things Warhammer 40K and the love for miniature wargaming. Saturday, April 15, 2017. Found some some pics that were taken around May or June of 2007 of miniatures that I painted between 2002 to 2006. Friday, April 7, 2017. Available on iTunes, Podbean and Stitcher Radio. Sunday, March 19, 2017.
Un lugar onde expresarnos, onde compartir experiencias e onde aprender xuntos! Viernes, 19 de junio de 2015. ÚLTIMO DÍA DE COLE! Día a día, hora a hora foron pasando os meses e casi sen darnos conta chegou o momento das despedidas. Esperamos que neste curso apredérades a esforzarvos máis, a traballar en equipo, a respectar, a escoitar e valorar. Esperamos tervos axudado en todas estas apredizaxes e que levedes un bo recordo deste ano.