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Just the best club penguin webpage. Posted March 13, 2008. Not Club Penguin, not Runescape, not the Rbs or Cp armies. Posted February 4, 2008.
I play on genrlthug alot find me any where probably on tuxedo or mamouth. Ok its almost time for a party! September 12, 2007. I will have a party. Posted in about general thug. I almost have 100 hits! August 6, 2007. When i get 100 hits big party and pinkcheeto77 my buddy is have in a party on august 6, 2007. Posted in about general thug.
Sensei y dudas sobre Cat Jitsu. Como hacer emoticons que no estan en la lista. Ademas Billybob nos informo que el recultamiento esta dando resultado, que ya hay mas agentes en la sala de comando.
I know its late but the halloween catalog is out. NEW HAIR CATALOG WHAT DA? Worst uptate ever that what i think i mean a HAIR CATALOG? Well to get it go to the gift shop. New pin is at the pet shop.
I have to go to school today so i will keep u all updated on whats happening like if i get detention or what. so i will see u all later on clubpenguin. I cant wait for a new holiday like easter or halloween or christmas because i love when clubpenguin is dressed up.
This penguin called cena820 said he was me what a freek. I got banded forever because i got hacked and then i told some one to shut up and i got banded forever so i will be using Y0ki96 now forever i will not let this one get banded. I have Yoki96 and Y0ki96.
This time i will be telling real secrets like vital viper is not my brother viatl viper is so i lied kind of so sorry but i do know bigrat and bigrats might be the same penguin he says bigrats is his mini me. but my fith secret is i have 29 clubpenguins and only one is a moderator. no one knows what penguin it is not even my neighbor snotz and ice geaser or anyone! Posted in about pinkcheeto77. Bigrat has never quit hes still on cp.
Heres is what you need to dress like for CP. Heres is what you need to dress like for CP.
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