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Posted by abenetea in Uncategorized. Posted by abenetea in Uncategorized. For example, this Klondike commercial uses Shakespeare to entice people to buy ice cream bars. Write a one page essay on why you think the company used Shakespeare in this commercial. What does it represent? The essay will demonstrate how the students v.
April 19, 2010 by cstanley2011. April 14, 2010 by cstanley2011.
Ah, one of the many fun Toss assignments. Feed back on these would be awesome. The Lottery, The Birds, The Turn of The Screw,. The Strange Case of Dr.
May 18, 2010 in Uncategorized. April 19, 2010 in Uncategorized. April 14, 2010 in Uncategorized.
Resources for Using Georgia Performance Standards. Jekyll? Reflection Digital Media Project. For my digital media project, I created a video clip on the background information surrounding. A novel by Charles Dickens published during the Victorian Era. This video is used to accompany my unit plan for my Engl3391 Teaching Literature to Adolescents class. The purpose of the digital movie is to get students interested in.
Through examining work completed over a period of time. To monitor the progress of the students who are trying to meet all of the criteria necessary to graduate as teachers. Becoming a Part of the Media. The human character in the Do Penguins Fly? Monday, April 26.
Well this project did not go as smoothly as I would have liked it to go. However, it was definitely a learning experience! And other JRR Tolkien works or Animal Farm. Once I finished creating the slides in power point, I imported them into movie maker, edited the slides with transitions and effects, and added music. It was a fairly simple process looking back, but it did prove to be very tedious! April 19, 2010. What is a meme? A male student created a v.
Where is my GPS? Monkey around with SurveyMonkey. I think using something like SurveyMonkey. com will be highly beneficial to me, especially when I first start teaching. It is a quick and simple way to see if the things I am doing in my class are working or if I need to change them in some way. Of course, updates and improvements are necessary in this profession, but I believe this tool would help me gain insight into the problems sooner. Check out my survey! .
Things you WANT to know. In with information, out with knowledge. What in the world is a podcast? Well, according to Wikipedia, a podcast is a series of digital media files, either audio or video, that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. There are articles about r.
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6 Monate Freiwilligendienst in Muisne, Ecuador. Die meisten werden es inzwischen mitbekommen haben, dass ich wieder in Deutschland bin. Am Mittwoch, den 9. Mai hatte ich wieder deutschen Boden unter den Füßen! Seither verging die Zeit wahnsinnig schnell, ich kann es selbst immernoch nicht ganz glauben. Aber nun zu euch Lesern! Vielen Dank für unglaubliche 4806 Seitenaufrufe! Majumi, Josue und Luis.
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Februar 19, 2012 von isisyearoff. Wollte mich nur kurz melden, dass es mir wieder gut geht nachdem ich 2 wochen malaria hatte. Hello how are youuu? Letzten Montag hatten wir e.