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12 element yagi for 2m used at home in March 2011. The temporary operating location in the shed used in the JMMFD and in the QRP hours contests. Computer came in handy for checking the rules. The FT817 next to it was the radio used for the QRP contest, running 5 watts output into the 80m dipole. It is very small and quite light. The antennas at the Yass property, as set up for recent operating events, April 2011. The dish has a future role on a microwave band above 1296 MHz.
My SOTA adventures and project notebook. Trapped five band EFHW SOTA antenna. Touch Paddle for MTR 2. VK SOTA CW practice files. Welcome to my SOTA and project blog! Use the menus above to select pages of interest. The header photo was taken at Mt Loch during the activation on 10 July 2013. The background photo is from the top of Mt Tabletop during the 10 August 2013 activation.
I recently obtained a Yaesu VX-8DR, primarily for use on SOTA activations. The radio has the six metre band, which is a bonus as SOTA is presently running a six metre challenge. By David Fannin which uses an arduino to process the standard GPS messages from a UBlox GPS and convert them to the Yaesu protocol. It looked like a great place to start, although the end solution had to be reasonably compact.
Summits On The Air and other playgrounds. Mt Marulan and Towrang Range 9 Aug 2015. The summits chosen near Goulburn are around 100km from Canberra so well within RF range. It was an early start to get to the first one well before UTC rollover.
Big mountain, small voice, many ears. Last weekend was a contest double-bill with the Remembrance Day and Lighthouse contests. Receiver strip, now with replacement audio stage using a TDA7052. Instead of the prescribed LM380. 867MHz IF filter, SA612 product detector, TL072 op amp, 2N2222 BFO. With a 10MHz IF and 3MHz VFO, which sounds sweet.
May 15th to 20th 2014. After a lot of planning and saving, we are off to Europe; flying Singapore airlines via Changi Airport. 23 hours later, we are at Charles De Gaulle Airport. Paris here we come! Well, lots of things to do and look at, any radio activity will take a back seat. I have brought along the KX3 and intend to use the Alex Loop. May 21st to 24th 2014. May 24th to 26th 2014.
The rantings of VK2GAZ on his SOTA experiences in Australia. Scheyville National Park VKFF-444 Revisited. This gallery contains 6 photos. Scheyville National Park was last visited on the 25th April, 2015 and a great time was had making 43 contacts. Solar controller, fan and wiring.
The operating position on Briarty Hill with the kids in the background. Activated across 31 December 2013 and 1 January 2015. I tuned up on 40 metres and logged my first. Once the New Year arrived, I held my frequency and worked 10 SOTA stations straight in as many minutes. The following 30 minutes settled down to a comfortable pace with seven more S2S stations worked. When the New Year rolled over I worked a total of 29 contacts with 16 unique summits. As soon as the FT-817 was.
My adventures with Amateur Radio and Geocaching! My new Pathtag has finally arrived! June 24, 2015.
We are ready to assist you. Are you approaching retirement? Consider The Income for Life Model. Please watch the movie or request a Personalized Analysis. The Income for Life Model. Was recently written about in Kiplinger Personal Finance. You can read the article by clicking here. Meet in Person or by Phone.
Welcome to my collection of images. All images are for sale in both digital and print form. Please request a quote on the CONNECT. If you would like to receive email updates or be alerted when I post new photographs, enter your email in the subscription window below. 2014 Dan Mawson - reproduction without permission is prohibited.
When we became a Certified Shop in August 2013, we were asked if we would like to participate in designing a pattern for a book. Of course, we had to jump at this chance. I very carefully copied off several of the elements and tried to create my design on a wall using paper pieces. Not the most efficient way to design a quilt let me tell you! We agoniz.