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To learn more about my writing, click on the links to the left. Enjoy your stay, and come back soon. Web Design by Emma Conner. Illustration by Ruth McNally Barshaw.
Poetry For Children And Their Grownups. Do you have any books. Where wolves lie in wait. Can you tell me the name. Of this rock in my shoe? For mineral guides,. Where to find every book? Dewey numbered them all,.
Sit back, find a comfy chair, grab a cup of tea. This poetry is written first and foremost TO BRING GOD GLORY! It reflects thoughts on life, love and God. May you be refreshed, encouraged, challenged and comforted. and leave with a new appreciation and joy in the mighty God we serve! God bless you and to Him be the glory, Janet Martin. Monday, July 23, 2012. I am posting my poetry at anotherporch. To God be the glory! Links to this post.
The leaves are all dead on the ground,. Save those that the oak is keeping. To ravel them one by one. And let them go scraping and creeping. Out over the crusted snow,. What better way to spend a rainy and windy day than curling up with a poem? At A Wrung Sponge. Another Poetry Sister, Sara.
Interpreting signs in the storefront of life. Tuesday, April 3, 2018. This poem can reveal a secret, incorporate a secret activity, or involve any other secret interpretation.
Inspiration usually comes during work rather than before it. Tuesday, October 16, 2012. After years of sporadic posting, I am moving from this blog. I will leave it up, but will no longer update it. My new writing-related home base is the blog at my website violetnesdoly. Thanks so much to all who have come by to read. I hope our relationship will continue! Posted by Violet Nesdoly. Thursday, September 13, 2012. The launch that was almost a gong show.
Life and Books in a K5 Library School Setting. I have two kinders in Poetry Rocks this year. I see their happy body. I hear shouting and laughing. I wonder if they will help each other if they get hurt. I see snowflakes that are white. I hear a dog and cat barking. I wonder if it can snow forever. Harry Potter fans, anyone? Ode to Harry Potter.
Build your own digital video recorder. This is the theory that few many sages have agreed with. Research with Google and confirm it for yourself. As far as I know, I am aware of the following. 8211; Your brain consumes and burns calories every day when you think. Now that the basic concep.
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