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Ketika aq msh muda dan bebas berkhayal,aq bermimpi inGin menGubah dunia. Seiring brtambahnya usia dan kearifanku, kudapati bahwa dunia tak kunjung berubah. Maka cita-cita itu pun kupersempit, lalu kuputuskan untuk hanya mengubah neGeriku. Namun tampaknya hasrat itu pun tak ada hasilnya. ketika usiaku semakin senja, dengan semangatku yang masih tersisa, kuputuskan untuk mengubah keluargaku, tapi celakanya mereka pun tak kunjung berubah.
Splashing through the puddles of life. Mosquitoes are probably one of the peskiest creatures we know. We might not be afraid of them but we are afraid to be bitten by them. We may not know why God chose to make mosquitoes but he made them unique. Did you know that only the females bite? .
HEY howz everyone doing? Tuesday, May 12, 2009. Friday, May 8, 2009. PLANES FOE THE SUMMER! FINALY GOING TO BE OUT WEEEEE? Thursday, May 7, 2009. GETTING OUT OF SCHOOL PLANES? YEAH I AM GETTING OUT COOL? Wednesday, May 6, 2009. MY BIKE RIDING EXPERIANSE! 8221; right after he said that I saw a flash of two people biking ahead of me. I pedaled as hard and as fast as I could to get caught up. Michael and Matthew slowed down so I could get caught up a bit. I got to the point where I was close enough to hear .
The Wheel of the Year. I keep meaning to write here, but never really seem to get around to it. I managed to hold my celebration on the day of Winter Solstice this year, I had the day off, and enough time on my hands to prepare a bit. The ritual went very well. And it was slightly intense.