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As of now, they have yet to finalized their votes for the design to be used. Will update when they do. Sunday, Sep 20 2009.
I think this piece of work is nice! You know how to present your idea by smartly use colour. Playing people are not that important so you did not draw details of them and just use black colour. I think this is a very smart way to present! Although the whole picture looks not very colourful, it is still nice and does not affect by the simple colours.
Hahah here is my cover page for my maths portfolio. note! I did not draw those pictures! Got them from clip arts lala.
It came out like that. And still leave it there to draw! 2nd tr.
Some designs i did for Artemis Fac Comm Publicity IC interview. I went to do abit of research about Artemis.
the milky set of colours give a little victorian wallpaper kinda feel. Here are some variations done on photoshop.
A tribute to Ah Meng. The artist not only raises the issue o.
Omg omg i love your work! Especially all the girls they look so cute. I think the main character is really well designed and polished! Really brought out the feeling of loneliness and fear. However i have a question! Whys the girl sometimes in white? These poster.
to my mum, no less. i was reading the millenium trilogy and my threshold for vulgarities was way lower than normal. Jab me in the knee with a pin. Right i take back what i said about multiple personalities in different social contexts. they have obviously bled into one another in ways i have not forseen.
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