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Science of Education Coordinating Blog 2013. There were some great syntheses, however, there were far too many lists of what you had covered in your previous blogs. A synthesis needs to highlight what has emerged in your thinking as a result of having done all this research. For too many of the blogs, it was just a recap of what had already been covered. This entry was posted in Uncategorized.
vandaag hebben wij ons 4000ste lid mogen verwelkomen! Dinsdag 8 januari 2013. Bij deze willen wij Sabina heel hartelijk feliciteren met het winnen van amigurumi van de maand december! Het boekje Zoomigurumi wordt zo snel mogelijk naar je toegestuurd door Echtstudio! Wij wensen je heel veel haakplezier en de inschrijvingen voor deze maand stromen alweer binnen! Wil je ook meedoen? Schrijf je dan in via deze link. En stuur je foto door! Zondag 23 december 2012.
Here are some of my thoughts on the nine previous blogs, the four talks and the not-quite-as-many-as-intended comments. I think that the comments have been a great way to further my knowledge, but wer.
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What have I learned? 8211; Reflective blog0. Did we arrive at our destination? Well, if it is defined as the end of the year finishing the module, perhaps. But I believe this module has taught us that we are travelers as long as we stay actively involved in the process, the processes of learning and that social media with its good and bad sides can be a great tool to journey on.