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I Will Not Shut Up, I Will Not Leave. No, No and No Raul Castro. August 30, 2014 by Antunez-Cuba-English. For demanding them, that evening, your bullying forces savagely beat me, their educational bodies tortu.
Request from Guillermo Fariñas Hernández to the Newspaper Granma. Request from Guillermo Fariñas Hernández with regards to the interview by. Deisy Francis Mexidor, of the newspaper Granma, Saturday, July 3, 2010, with the Chief of Intensive Care at the University of Arnaldo. The request was dictated by phone by. Guillermo Fariñas to Licet Zamora Carrandi. Reports that I have been given, at this time he would not be deceased.
An English translation of Cruzar Las Alambradas from Cuba. She is an Argentinian writer, editor, ceramics artist who got so involved in the case of the Cuban writer Angel Santiesteban that she ended up redesigning his blog,. Tell me about your background, how did you come to this mixture of techniques.
Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 31 October 2014 For the first and last time, I saw him from afar for a fraction of a second on 21 October 1959, the day he passed through Camaguey to arrest Comandante Huber Matos. If he had survived what happened and not been involved in another similar incident, Camilo Cien.
Cómo recuerdo la Primavera Negra de 2003. Entrevista a Rosa María, la hija de Oswaldo Payá. Sector privado cubano, indefenso ante nuevas restricciones. Venezolanos en Cuba cargan con todo lo que pueden. Se necesitará sangre, esfuerzo, lágrimas y sudor para salir del desastre verde olivo? La Carpeta de Iván.
An English Translation of El Blog de Dimas, from Cuba. By Dimas Castellano, 9 February 2016. Once the Cuban Government arrived in power, imbued by an exacerbated voluntarism, it ignored the laws that govern the economy and subordinated them to ideology. From this moment on, the loss of the autonomy that is required by economic processes was converted into a factor of poverty. In order to stop the deterioration, in A.
A translated blog from Cuba. Correspondence between Toine Heijmans and Ángel Santiesteban-Prats. The renown Dutch writer and journalist, Toine Heijmans, a regular columnist for the national Dutch newspaper. We reproduce here the photos of the printed version. The wolf, who for more than half a century has sunk his teet.
A Translation of the Cuban Blog Intramuros. December 31, 2014 by Intramuros. Magazine is glad for the release of political prisoners, and believes that all political prisoners must be released, including those who are on parole in Cuba. Likewise, we hope that the .
A Translation of the Cuban Blog, Kubasepia. Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons. In solemn Eucharist by the grace of God, there was conferred the order of the diaconate on Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Gerardo Guillen, after swearing obedience to bishops, singing the Litany of the Saints, and invoking the Holy Spirit,. In a meeting of the clergy there an agreement was reached on the erection of the Saint Judas Thaddeus Mission in a neighborhood.
An English Translation of the blog Mala Letra, from Havana, Cuba.
Hubo un tiempo en que no eras una esclava, acuérdate de ello. Andabas sola, te reías, te bañabas con la tripa al aire. Dices que no hay palabras para describir ese tiempo, dices que no existe. Haz un esfuerzo por recordar. O si eso falla, inventa.
Viernes, 3 de julio de 2009. Las palabras ya no se las lleva el viento. No es que ahora no se haga. Nada así en el cine español, no, es que no se hace cine, sino un algo masturbatorio que hace tiempo que se olvidó de que hay gente que -mira tú que cosas- le gusta ir al cine a que le cuenten algo, LO QUE SEA. Los más temidos son los africanos.
Mi vida se pierde en tu cuerpo. En tus manos cuelga mi fantasía,. Donde tu sonrisa es invitación. De tu cuerpo entrelazado a mi alma. En la cama de la perdición. 161;Que se detenga el tiempo! Que no hay segundos para pensar. Y quedas vulnerable ante mi,. Por dominar tus caderas enardecidas;. De tus glúteos apoderarme con mis manos. Y guiarte al infinito de mi ser;. Toma con tu boca mi piel,. Que sólo hay una vida.
1 de enero de 2010. Año Nuevo, nuevo Blog. 1 de enero de 2010. Al comienzo de año, todas y todos nos hacemos proposiciones y muchas de ellas no las llevamos a cabo, por lo que, yo sin proponérmelo en serio, he pensado que e l día de Año Nuevo era buen momento para estrenar blog. Y para que Curiosidades desde la Izquierda se independizara. En febrero de este año hace tres años que comencé a bloguear. Por ponerte con las gestiones del servidor que no.