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Om pedagogikk, spill i undervisningen og vurdering. Skylapper og rom til å feile. La elevene bygge noe sammen. Erfaringer med Portal 2 i klasserommet. Skylapper og rom til å feile. Fra ungdomsskolen og opp må vi likevel forholde oss til standpunktkarakterene til slutt. Om ikke elevene har rom for å feile i skolen går vi glipp av mye verdifull læring. Dette trur jeg også gj.
Pedagogiske betraktninger om spill i skolen. You are one of the people who just get it. Sier han, og gestikulerer ivrig med hendene. Kan man be om varmere kompliment? You just get it,. Sier Trent igjen, og smiler med øynene gjennom brilleglassene.
Norwegian 11th grade students experiences using a computer game to study English and Social Science. In civilization there is also slavery. Originally posted on Malin Hustvedt. Religion is an important factor in conflicts of value. If a civilization has another religion than I .
Digital kompetansebygging for smartere læring. Originally posted on Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse. Gjennom tildelingen av midler til prosjektet Smart læring. Han jeg er gift med, er engelsk- og historielektor og arbeider som meg selv i videregående skole.
In the Name of Justice? I believe it is sad and inhuman, that we still witness the greatest violation of human rights. The fact that a person is legally murdered by the state as a retribution for an offence, is both heartless and unethical. Death penalty also has unchangeable and dangerous consequences. It is therefore time to take responsibility, and make sure that the brutal methods performed by the state becomes abolished. Practicing death penalty also leads to other negative consequences.
If Capital punishment is right or wrong, is a highly discussed topic. Some say it leads to closure for the victim of the criminal action, and some say it contradicts the declaration of human rights. I agree with the latter; death penalty should be abolished.
Hi, in this post I am going to write a text about War and Peace in civ 4 and in the real world. When u start your game, you have to choose Witch Empire you want to be. This can be important later in the game. Every leader has his or her on characteristics, for example Gandhi who is philosophical and spiritual. This often means that he will try to avoid war and have religion.
Throughout this text I am going to discuss my opinions about Capital Punishment. It is difficult for me to discuss if capital punishment is right or wrong, when this tragedy have not occurred in my family. But for the families that have lost one of the peoples they hold dearest, it must be difficult to live knowing that the murderer is still alive. If the criminals are sane and their criminal act is so appealing there is no reason to keep them alive.
Diese helle 1-Zimmerwohnung befindet sich in ruhiger Lage in dörflicher Umgebung. Das Appartement betritt man durch den eigenen separaten Eingang. Im Sommer hat man die Möglichkeit sich auf dem großzügigen Stellplatz im Freien aufzuhalten.
Dijous, 16 de desembre de 2010. Així és com en 4 simples passos! Ara vostè pot compartir fàcilment el seu contingut de vídeo en qualsevol idioma! DotSUB fa que sigui senzill per crear i veure els subtítols i els subtítols en diversos idiomes. Aquests subtítols es poden veure en qualsevol part del seu viatge de vídeo - en els llocs web, blogs, i els dispositius mòbils.